The Gar's

Guide to Ascension


Hot Tip: Elemental Warrior
From: The Gar

Deploy Text:
Elemental Drone: Power up sequence initiated.
Elemental Drone: Merge Mode initiated.
Elemental Warrior: Systems Check ... OK. Ready for next command.
Card Text:
At the beginning of your turn, Elemental Warrior heals 2 Hit Points. Elemental Warrior cannot hold any Gear.
    A few tips
  • UN Cyberneticist can cut that nasty 6 turns of healing quickly!
  • Invasion Alarm with few monastery assets could pull a Drone
  • But I prefer Failsafe Semantic Network to yank those mechs into play.
Card artwork by B. J. Johnson, ChronX and associated items are trademarked by Genetic Anomalies.

If you have Ascension Tips, Combos, or suggestions, please email them to: and you'll see them here, with your name in glory.

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