The Gar's 

Guide to WhiteOut


Hot Tip: Quiroga AI: What would you do with a 491 Firepower?
From: The Gar

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When Quiroga AI comes into play, and at the start of your turn, the number of tokens on this card is set to the number of non-Mechanical assets in your Body Bank.  All friendly assets in the world gain a +1 bonus per token in either Perception or CyberAffinity (CyberAffinity if that score is previously higher than Perception and the asset is non-Mechanical).
Following the theme of "full Body Bank is good", I experimented with using ICBM with DNA Scanner to fill my Body Bank and then . . . Quiroga AI  and  Taikun Raid Algorithms.  Quiroga adds +1 to perception (or CA for programmers) for every Body Bank card.  TRA adds +1 to damage for each point of perception above 1.
Look at the possibilities when you have multiples of QAI and TRA, with a highly populated body bank!
  • Have you got a tip for this card? Send it in, and you'll get it listed here, with credit!
Card artwork by Christopher Erdman, ChronX and associated items are trademarked by Genetic Anomalies.

If you have WhiteOut Tips, Combos, or suggestions, please email them to: and you'll see them here, with your name in glory.
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