The Gar's

Guide to Ascension


Hot Tip: Shock Treatment
From: The Gar

Card Text:
When invoked, this hack will cause nearby electrical circuits to short-out and shock the target asset. Target will receive 1 point of damage plus 1 point extra for every 2 points of user's Cyber Affinity.
What's the big idea, you say? 1st Edition common program!
    But consider . . .
  • Grom ScribeCan create this program for a tap.
  • With Psychotropic Juice and Cranial Augmentation we can now have CA=18, which means 10 DAMAGE from a card which costs 3 Cyber to run.
  • This is DAMAGE, Friends, not Firepower. We don't care if this is an Armor 12 Monster, he's gonna take DAMAGE.
  • NON-BLOCKABLE damage. Can't kill the bases? Who cares!
  • Now lets make EVERYONE a programmer. CPU Enslavement gives +8 CyberAffinity PER INSTANCE. 4x CPU Enslavement would mean +32 Cyberaffinity. Yes, friends, now ANY flesh asset can kill any WarMachine in one round!
  • Add Ambassador Khan and your programmers can war freely while the enemy is powerless to attack! Add Biomech Raptors or Crow's Nests to reveal those stealthy assets.
  • Ascendant Master makes a nice programmer for these decks. If your Groms die, just bring them back! (Keep your Master in a Siege Bunker because all your Groms TAP if he dies!)
Card artwork by Sean Walter, ChronX and associated items are trademarked by Genetic Anomalies.

If you have Ascension Tips, Combos, or suggestions, please email them to: and you'll see them here, with your name in glory.

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