III. Original Haiku by our Subscribers
3) snow-free forest
this January . . . and yet
the sycamore
1) wind blows through my hair
the coldest night of the year
new moon overhead
1) across the still lake
through upcurls of morning mist
the cry of a loon
4) ten thousand things
done and undone
the tea steams
2) bang! robin feathers
stuck to the frosty window
-- just the cat's tail moves
9) Bands of frost remain
in the shadows of fence posts;
wait -- shifting sun.
10) these frozen fields
not even
corn-growing sounds
7) On the lake
a loon is calling
long distance
13) first snow . . .
the children's hangers
clatter in the closet
13) moon in the window --
the desk lamp's brass pull cord
still swinging
9) A bloody moon,
in the rearview mirror.
3) even by headlight
Washington cherry blossoms
swell the heart
8) Images of Tokyo in April
People walk and speak
under cherry blossoms near
silent Budo-kan
homeless man in red
leather coat asks me questions
in soft Japanese
mothers in grey coats
laugh, catch falling blossoms then
trip, giggle with joy
9) Trembling blossoms --
the first burst on a bare tree.
3) wisteria vines
killing all they touch
so beautifully
9) Low morning sun
and one swan
on the dewy grass.
9) Blackbird,
probing amongst the violets
reaps a worm.
4) the sprinkler
rainbows dance
12) drought
cracked mud
12) supinate priest
not praying - just
checking for rain
13) first drops of rain --
puffs of dust
rise from the ground
5) atop the USS Arizona anchor
mother and baby doves
4) distant thunder
stroboscopic lightning
shadow at the window
4) the broken dolls floats
face-down in the road-side ditch
the water is still
12) frightened squirrel
flicking its tail
to rally itself
5) rush hour --
jewels of red and white
through train window
12) before laughing
her eyes open
or sometimes close
6) anniversary dinner--
aging most gracefully
the wine
11) an old fisherman
slowly rubs his hands --
the trembling pier
10) prairie homesteader
lies beneath his
last quarter acre
1) Mick Burglass {MBurglass@aol.com}
2) rhahn@u.washington.edu
4) William C. Burns, Jr. {BURNSWCB@gvltec.gvltec.edu}
5) Tom Frenkel {frenkel@cucis.cis.columbia.edu}
6) Zane Parks {70372.3255@compuserve.com}
anniversary dinner -- Parnassus Literary Journal 18:3 (1994).
7) Don Russell c/o Brian Peasey {bpeasey@ctesl.rhesys.mb.ca}
8) Peter Corless {pcorless@cisco.com}
9) Andreas Schoter {asch@cogsci.ed.ac.uk}
10) Charles Trumbull {TrumbullC@aol.com}
11) Jenniffer Lesh {jlesh@cello.gina.calstate.edu}
12) Chris Erickson {Christopher.Erickson@MSdisk.WUstl.EDU}
13) Michael Dylan Welch {WelchM@aol.com}
moon in the window -- Modern Haiku Vol. XXV, No. 2 Summer 1994
first snow -- Woodnotes #23, Winter 1994
first drops of rain -- Mayfly #18, Oct 1994
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