II.  Editor's Note
  A few items of business this month before we get into the

  First, thank you for all the kind words and curious inquiries
  during the absent April and May issues.  Work and other
  commitments got in the way, yet somehow the magazine
  continued to grow.  We now have 310 subscribers!  Apologies
  to any to whom I did not reply.  Please try again now that
  I can breathe...

  Archives?  We now have an FTP site, courtesy of David J Leitko,
  and the beginnings of a WWW/Mosaic Server on my machine.  For
  FTP, try:

     ftp ftp.netcom.com
     cd  /pub/dvd/haiku

  for Mosaic, try:
     and go to the Dogwood Blossoms section...

  Last month I asked for people to identify the poem which
  was inadvertently "haikuized" from a Finnish translation.
  The poem was Wallace Stevens' "The Snowman"...here is the
  "haikued" first stanza, and the entire poem as provided
  by several subscribers:

 one needs winter's mind           Tarvitaan talven mieli
 to view the mantle of snow        katsomaan kylmÎn ja lumen kuorta
 on evergreen boughs               mÎntypuun oksilla.

    One must have a mind of winter
    To regard the frost and the boughs
    Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

    And have been cold a long time
    To behold the junipers shagged with ice,
    The spruces rough in the distant glitter

    Of the January sun; and not to think
    Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
    In the sound of a few leaves,

    Which is the sound of the land
    Full of the same wind
    That is blowing in the same bare place

    For the listener, who listens in the snow,
    And, nothing himself, beholds
    Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

    Wallace Stevens (1921)

    Full text was FIRST provided by Marisa Januzzi
    (jma5@columbia.edu) who recommends the collection _The Palm
    at the End of the Mind_ and "13 Ways of Looking at a
    Blackbird" for more Stevens.

Last month a haiku quoted from Bits n Bytes magazine was
attributed to Jay Machado. Actually it was Jay quoting from
a great little book called "The Tao of Programming".  Jay
has printed a retraction in his magazine, and this will serve
as the retraction here.  It was an honest mistake.  Thanks to
those who pointed it out.

I have information on several haiku contests, which I will be
sending between-issues, and repeating in Issue 9.  We are
TRYING not to let this magazine get too unwieldly.  If you want
the information sooner, I will be posting it to our FTP site

Thank you all for your submissions and patience...we will
once again attempt to resume a monthly schedule!
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