III. Original Haiku from our Subscribers
(13) All that remains
Of the late-March snow:
White tree-trunk shadows
(4) Cinder-ember sky --
Thunderclouds compete with time
Making daylight die.
(5) Hollow bamboo sound;
Kind breeze moves the leaf aside
To let the raindrop pass.
(8) empty silo--
spring wind pops the metal
in and out
(1) hoe
still a blade of grass
clings to it
(12) koi midori dark green lawn
madara ni medatsu Stand out in patches
haru no niwa Spring garden
(12) uzuki naka In the mid April
youyaku mebuku Started to bloom at last
sakura kana Oh, cherry blossoms
(12) harusame ni In spring rain,
nuretemo ureshi They are glad to get wet.
tori no uta Bird's songs.
(2) Saturated mist;
Clear jewel on the leafpoint ..
Drip! The river starts.
(2) Kizil Irmak *
Glint of dragonflies
Here and there, beside the reeds
Of the Red River
(7) On my fishing log
A beaver's wet belly has
Left a brush stroke there
(2) Exploring the world
And yet never far from home:
Snail crossing my path
(7) I throw some bread crumbs
And the pond which was so still
Boils from hunger
(9) Breaching in the sun enormous
Whale singing grace swimming
In the deep
(6) Great Southern Butte stands
alone on the horizon
the Moon just above
(3) narrow mountain road
quicker and scarier
going back down
(13) Walk home from day care --
My daughter points out to me
Dark side of new moon
(13) water for tea
so cold
burns my finger
(11) Cradled bowl; chawan
Held gently - raising soothing drink
Potters hands touch mine.
(8) august afternoon--
ants in the shadow
of the apple core
(8) a crab apple
from the highest branch
rattles down the rain spout
(4) Silver streaks
Among the henna --
Harvest morning.
(2) Summer's embers blown:
Recalling your delight in
Kicking through these leaves.
(2) A bathing sparrow
stirs up flurries
of fallen leaves.
(10) wind gathered leaves
on a city sidewalk -
Feet send them flying.
(1) cool hudson breeze
new york --
a brittle brown leaf
Ochre aspens quake
At intimations made by
Each rapacious flake
(4) A squat arroyo
Carving redly through the sage
Gorged on potential.
(4) Cholla white with snow;
An icy hope sifts down like
Inverted shadow.
(2) Winter comes:
Books piled a foot high
By my bedside
(1) Chuck Easter (salparadis@aol.com)
(2) Philip Adams (pka@dmu.ac.uk)
* Kizil Irmak is the Turkish name for the river in
Cappadocia, red from flowing through clay-rich soil.
(3) Mykel Board (MQB8130@NYUACF.BITNET)
(4) Charles Trumbull (trumbullc@aol.com)
(5) GMCDONAL@delphi.com
(6) Bill Blohm
(7) Brian Kokensparger (bkoken@bluejay.creighton.edu)
(8) Michael Dylan Welch (welchm@aol.com)
* august afternoon
Published in "Collected Volume of Winning Verses," Itoen
Tea Company, Tokyo, Japan, 1993; honourable mention in the
1993 Itoen Tea Company haiku contest; apparently, winning
and honourable mention poems are printed on cans of Itoen
iced tea in Japan (in English and Japanese).
* a crab apple
Published in "Brussels Sprout" Vol. X, No. 1, January
1993, p. 18 as part of "A Gnat in Amber," a renga with
Paul O. Williams.
* empty silo
Published in "Modern Haiku" Vol. XXII, No. 2, June 1991,
p. 82 and in the "Midwest Haiku Anthology", Brooks Books,
Decatur, Illinois, 1992, p. 103; also published in
"Woodnotes" #15, Winter 1992, p. 33.
(9) Tom Towle (towle@rain.org)'s daughter
Cassandra Apodaca, eight years old, after seeing
whales from a boat on a fieldtrip
(10) Dean Scott (deans12@aol.com)
(12) Nori Matsui (NORIM@EARLHAM.EDU)
(13) Tom Frenkel (frenkel@cucis.cis.columbia.edu)
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