IV.  Haiku in the Big City
(Gar-note:  Last month our feature article on haiku and
  senryu by Gary Gach lead us to the topic of "Haiku in
  the Big City".  Many of our subscribers submitted their
  own works in that area.  Thanks for the response!)
  (BTW, the author numbering scheme from previous article is
   continued here)

 (14)     Empty morning streets
          Cold path to the castle
          Castle colder still

                                (5)     Burnt rubber, cold steel;
                                         Back alley museums for
                                           Big City fossils.

(10)    a dog turns over
    a trash can to get at scraps -
        The city awakes.

                              (16)        behind the dumpster
                                    crushed beercans and used condoms
                                      -- highschool parking lot

(4)    Sparrow arguments
         in that boxwood bush outdo
           even city sounds.

                               (2)     Pedestrians pass
                                       Unconcernedly by the
                                       Hammering alarm.

(18) The IRT roars
        Overhead the sun blinks
            People cease talking

                           (4)   Dandelions --
                                  golden, silver heads
                                   await the El.

(17)   On the slag ridge:
       Pink-topped green sprouty things.
       Surely not weeds.

                            (17)  Opportunities
                                      in the creases of the roofs
                                      plants spring up.

(3)    city street sunflowers
       away from the sun

                              (5)     Tribes of marching ants
                                  Follow trails in lost ice cream;
                                   Pearl streams guide them home.

      (15)   onna no ko        young women
            ujauja deteru     shopping in swarms
             haru ga kita     spring has come

                               (17)  The roar of the surf
                                     Drown the sound of the tannoy --
                                                 Water music.

(17)  Losing its point:
      The spire fades into
      Midday mist.

                               (1)   surrounded by empty hangers
                                     coat check girl alone
                                     this warm spring night

(1)  Chuck Easter  (salparadis@aol.com)
     * surrounded by empty hangers
     was originally published in Brussels Sprout
(2)  Philip Adams (pka@dmu.ac.uk)
(3)  Mykel Board (MQB8130@NYUACF.BITNET)
(4)  Charles Trumbull (trumbullc@aol.com)
(5)  GMCDONAL@delphi.com
(10) Dean Scott (deans12@aol.com)
(13) Tom Frenkel (frenkel@cucis.cis.columbia.edu)
(14) pierre42@aol.com
(15) IMTG0@cc.uab.es       (translation by Nori Matsui)
     (Gar-note:  I lost the translation to this which Nori
      provided for us.  This is my recreation, which may
      or may not be entirely accurate.  sorry.)
(17) Andreas Schoter (asch@cogsci.ed.ac.uk)
     (Gar-note:  for the non-British, a "tannoy" is a brand
      of speakers or public address systems which has been
      used to refer to all such equipment)
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