*  Dogwood Blossoms --  Volume 1, Issue 9 -- December '94      *
* Acting Editor:      Andreas Schoter (asch@cogsci.ed.ac.uk)   *
* Chief Editor:       Gary Warner     (GLWARNER@SAMFORD.BITNET)*
* Editorial Staff:    Bill Blohm   (bblohm@hpbs1686.boi.hp.com)*
*                     Gary Gach       (ggach@pandora.sf.ca.us) *
*                     Charles Trumbull (TRUMBULLC@AOL.COM)     *
*                     Nori Matsui     (NORIM@EARLHAM.EDU)      *
* SUBMISSIONS and SUBSCRIPTION requests should be directed to  *
* BOTH Andreas Schoter and Gary Warner                         *

Dogwood Blossoms is a publication of the Internet community.
The goal of this digest is to be a place where Haiku can be
shared and discussed with other lovers of the art.  Submissions
are encouraged, both of original work, published work by other
authors, and comments and critiques of works in previous issues.
Articles of "short essay" length are also welcome.

When you subscribe, please volunteer any haiku you would like to
see discussed, indicating if it is published or original...
also, if you would like to serve on the "editorial board" please
indicate so, or if you can serve as a translator for non-English
submissions (which are welcome) please indicate so.

If you are a list owner, and feel that this digest would make an
appropriate posting on your list, please send me a note
indicating so.  In this issue:

     I. Administrivia (you're there now!)
    II. A Note from the Editor
   III. Original Haiku by our subscribers
    IV. Rhyming Haiku
     V. The Beginner's Corner
    VI. Concerning the Creative Haiku Process
    VI. Review: Haiku Harvest
   VII. Review: A Haiku Menagerie
    IX. Assignments for Next Issue

Dogwood Blossoms is intended to be distributed "AS-IS" in its
entirety.  Any excerpts from Dogwood Blossoms must include the
Source Statement (below) from the issue from which it is
excerpted unless reprint permission is given by the original
author, to whom all rights revert upon publication.  Dogwood
Blossoms reserves the right to use in current or future
electronic or print publications any submissions received.

/* Begin Source Statement */
Dogwood Blossoms Issue 9, December 1994
An Electronic Haiku Magazine
All subscription requests and submissions should be directed to:
/* End Source Statement */

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