The Gar 's Guide

to Chron X: WhiteOut


All ChronX Cards Database
WhiteOut Tips and Info

26OCT2003 All Cards Updated!
09FEB2000 All Cards updated to include Whiteout
03FEB2000 Quiroga AI: What would you do with 491 Firepower?
01FEB2000 Magog: The Baddest Card of All!
01FEB2000 WhiteOut Rarity Distributions!

Tips from Our Visitors

This is only the beginning. . .

If you have WhiteOut Tips, Combos, or suggestions, please email them to: and you'll see them here, with your name in glory.

Gar's homepage

Blue Sky Red Design, Chron X, Chron X: Overture, Chron X: Ascension, Chron X: Defiance, Chron X: WhiteOut, Chron X: BreakPoint and the Chron X logos are TM & © 1996 - 2003 by Blue Sky Red Design.
The APPA Icon was crafted by Neuromage A.P.P.A.